Wednesday, April 16, 2014


 Hovawart is a Gernan dog breed that means "an estate guard dog" which they were originally used for. They look like a Golden Retriever only they are tri-colored. This dogs requires more activity and
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The Azawakh is a slighthound dog from Africa. Azawakh are primarily function as protector and they develop intense bond with their master. They are gentle and affectionate but with strangers many are reserved and prefer not to be touched. This dogs have high energy and tremendous endurance.  They are also gentle and affectionate and an excellent training companions for runners.

The Catahoula is a highly intelligent, athletic and assertive breed. The are very protective and territorial,guarding their home and family. They are also a multi-purpose working dog. They excel at working livestock, hunting all kinds of wild game, search and rescue, protection and police work. Catahoulas is not a breed for everyone because they generally do not fare well in urban settings. They tend to be independent and have a mind of their own. They can be quite, stubborn at times and a challenge to train.

The Kooikerhondje is a small spaniel-type breed with Dutch ancestry and was originally used as a working dog. This dogs are cheerful, good-natured, friendly, quite, well-behaved and alert. They are also intelligent, attentive, more than willing to please their owner and adapts to situation quickly. They have medium energy level and usually quite when  indoors. They can be an apartment dog. 

The Lancashire Heeler is a small breed dog developed for use as a drover and herder of cattle and they are a vulnerable breed. They are alert, friendly, energetic, intelligent, playful but sometimes lazy and a pleasant companion. They are a very strong dog and likes to participate in all kinds of activities and they can even carry an object the size of themselves. They are friendly towards their owners an passers-by on the street but may be aggressive towards an unknown character on their territory. 

The Schapendoes is a breed that originated in Netherlands and sometimes they are called Dutch Sheepdog. They are originally a herding dog and general farm dog but today they also participate in dog sports. This dogs are friendly, high-spirited and affectionate. They are not aggressively protective so they are not a guard dog. If they are trained and socialize at a young age, they make a good family dog as well as a good dog for active sports. They tend to be independpent and cooperative rather than obey orders from their trainer. 

The Swedish Vallhund is also known as the Viking Dog and they are used to herd cattle, catch vermin and guard the home. They are also referred to as "the little cattle dog of the Vikings." This breed makes a great companion and can also be used for herding and ratting. They devoted to their owners and love human attention. They are responsive and even tempered with most people but can be wary with strangers. They are also known for heel nipping due to their inbuilt herding traits.



The eyes that looked with so much meaning;
Made me alive with feeling.
I long to see those eyes again,
But it will be one year hence.

The way you cast your eyes
Made me tremble with surprise
Your tongue spoke of nothingness
But your eyes told a thousand goodness.

You sang to me starry night
Song of love and hate and strife
I knew you mean to say goodbye
And the grief I felt was in my eye.