Monday, December 23, 2013


Evasi0n7 iOS7.x Jailbreak has officially been released and this can be downloaded on Windows and MAC OS only as it is not yet available on Linux. The minimum requirements are Windows XP and MAC 10.6 Snow Leopard or higher,iTunes and a USB cable. If you don't have iTunes then you should download and install. You can also use it to back up the contents of your iPAD, iPhone or iPod.

Before you download and install Evasi0n7, make sure to disable the passcode on your device. Make sure to close all open programs before running Evasi0n. Open Evasi0n then click on the jailbreak button then wait until the device restarts which indicates success.

Although I've read from different forums that Evasi0n jailbreak is hold off for now because there has been a lot of complaints that there are glitches on the software. It is still up to the users if they will go through it or wait until the software has been proven to have no more glitches.

Here's a warning from the creator of the software:

  • Warning! Over The Air updates of iOS 7 are known to create an issue and make the jailbreak fail. Some devices are then stuck on the Apple Boot Logo. Until we fix that, please restore your device to 7.0.4. with iTunes first.
  • Warning! Many Cydia tweaks are not yet compatible with iOS 7. Please always backup your phone before installing new tweaks from Cydia as your iPhone could be stuck in the boot process. The situation will improve as developers will update their software.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

After the success of +Samsung-Galaxy-S4 Samsung Company is planning to release +Samsung-Galaxy-S5 by first quarter of next year. According to reports, the new Galaxy S5 has an iris scanner and QHD display with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. They also said that it comes with a 64-bit processor, 3G RAM and a very powerful 4,000mAh battery.

Apple has the biggest competition with Samsung. If their iris scanner will work successfully then it will defeat the iPhone finger reader. We know that the iPhone 5S finger reader has issues or glitches. So may be the iris scanner will work much better. Apple might be designing a better phone upgrade comparable to Samsung S5.

This is not yet the final specifications for this gadget as most of the release reports are rumors and speculation. Although some may be true, lets just wait and confirm once the unit is release. They said that the tentative release will be April 2014.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The gemologists from the Guiness Book of World Records will be coming here in the Philippines on December 19 to formally inspect the "Pearl of the Kings" It is said to the largest pearl in the world. This pearl is owned by a Chinese-Filipino resort owner.

According to news, the Pearl of Kings came from a giant clam which produces the so-called tridacna pearl and it has an initial measurement of around 9 kilos.

They are hoping that they will bypass the current Guiness record holder which is the 6-kilos "Pearl of Allah" currently in the United States.


You were born ...

I baptized you,

You grew up...

I guided you,

Your eyes opened...

You didn't see me,

You sinned...

I forgave you,

You hated me...

I still loved you,

You closed your door...

Mine have none,

But now your time has come.


I've seen words
emerge like a stray arrow
that shot from nowhere
It pierces your bare skin
and inflicts deep wounds.
But words also come
like gentle raindrops on an open midday afternoon
Unknowingly, it touches your heart
and peels off old scars.

There are words that lunge like daggers aimed to kill
They cut into your soul
and end all sense of hope.
But then words unto life
brings growing seeds plowed by forgiveness
They bear fruit, spread love and cultivate  happiness.

Words sprout in many ways.
They come in various forms.
They strike with relative meaning.
Words spring from emotions of different expressions.
But whatever you may feel,
Or what you may think,
Whatever choice of words you say,
Only mine shall hold be true to me.
Never fearing to speak up
When words set us free.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I can feel the dusk of loneliness
The subtle whisper of late October wind
Sky starts fading
From rose colored glasses to dark hued gray
Just like the leaves of autumn day
Drifting away
Locked behind gaiety
Appreciating the roar of the thunder
Embracing the pour of rain
Committed to immortal sin
I am nobody
Nowhere to go, to me to listen
Come visit me I'm helplessly dying


You don't have a face
        They took it from you
You don't have a voice
        They cut off your tongue.
You can't see
        They covered your eyes
You can't hear
       They covered your ears.
You can't even move out from your place
        Your foot is chained on the floor.
You can hardly breathe
        Confined you in a small dark room. All walls.
For them you are nothing but an "it"
        A disgraced man that does not have the right to wander
They can have your face.
        They can take your voice.
They can remove your eyes if they want to.
        They can cover your ears.
Or chain you on the wall.
        But they can't have your soul.
And they can't stop you from dreaming.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Alamea waiting for her food

This is Alamea who just turned 2 years-old last November 27.  It's the second dog given to me by another friend. When I got Uriah I wanted to have another dog that she can play with, so when my friend offered to give me this Shih Tzu I said yes without even blinking an eye. She is very cute, tri-colored, playful, loving and melodious. When she first arrived at our apartment, she was afraid of Uriah, but Uriah is very friendly and they got along well after two days. They love to play and run around our small porch. They always run to the door when I arrive home from work. They won't let me enter the door until I pat them on the head.

Alame's sleeping quarters
 She loves to jump and sleep on my lap when I'm watching or doing something on the computer. She always wants me to pat her when she's lonely or not in the mood to play with Uriah. What I like about her most is that when she knows that I'm stressed out from work, she comes to me and kiss me or dance in front of me until I laugh or play with her. She loves to round around and play hide and seek.

Alamea at Burnham Park
It took me a week to train her to learn to sit, stand up, jump, dance and turn around. My sister and I was also able to potty train her so she knows where to urinate or poop. She also loves to stay in my bed so I made her a blanket and she sleeps with me. She barks and scratch my door if I don't let her sleep with me. I'm very happy to have them both because they help relieve my stress. I always bring them with me whenever I go out jogging. My relatives also love them.

Some people said that Shih Tzu's are hard headed and not easy to train but I'm lucky because she's not. I think it just depends on how we train and instill discipline on them. Sometimes though I feel their is jealousy between her and Uriah especially if she comes up to my lap and sleep. Uriah will bark at her and wants me to pat her head also or she tries push Alamea over so that she will be the one on my lap. So I made sure that I treat them equally.                                                                                                                                    

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Uriah when I first brought her home
 This is Uriah "Vetnek" the first dog that was given to me. It was my sister who named her. She was so small when my friend gave it to me and she said that she is a lap dog. I had no intention of getting her because we are staying in an apartment and we don't have enough space but she brought it at work and said that I have to get her because she has a lot of dogs and will not be able to take care of them all. She convinced me that its a small dog so I brought her home.

She was so tiny and cute so I was convince that she's a lap dog, besides I can't tell my friend to bring it back home. As days go by she's growing and growing bigger. I told my friend about it and she laugh so I asked her  if she knows the breed of Uriah but said that she's not sure because she has a Terrier, a Golden and Retriever, a Japanese Spitz and a Siberian Husky, so it could be a crossbreed from these dogs.
Uriah Growing Up
Uriah at the Len Rock Resort

Uriah at Home in the Province
Uriah is actually a medium-size dog but I'm still glad and very happy that I brought her home because she is very loving, tender, melodious, playful and a very happy dog. She is also our guard dog. She's a happy go lucky dog and always follows us wherever we go especially when we go out, she always thinks that we will bring her too. What I like most about her is she relieves my stress after coming home from work. 

If someone give you a dog don't hesitate to get it, they might also be your stress reliever and you have someone to play with and look after you. Dogs are a great pet and they are easy to train.

Monday, December 2, 2013

One Night Stand

One Night Stand

One Night Stand

You and me in this cold night,
Only this lamp shade make it bright,
Smiling this close without fright,
Beside me, hugging me tight.

Now, turn off the light,
As if we're doing right,
Kiss my eyes, my cheeks, my lips,
My neck down to my hips.

I love you, let's make love,
Give me everything you have,
Let's have some fun and won't regret,
Let's rock 'til were soaking wet.

I feel so much passion,
I find it a mission,
A quest searching for love,
Request I'm gonna have.

Tomorrow do not cry,
Tonight we're on the sly,
Forget what happened like magic,
Hold and sway your magic stick.

Close your eyes like you're dreaming folks,
Feel the warmth and the fireworks,
In just a snap or the beat of the wand,
Empty your mind with this one night stand.

Hi guys hope you like it, i wrote this poem a couple of months ago. I'm inspired to write this, for I'm a big fan of the Twilight Saga series.

Tips: Food That Dogs Can Eat

Tips: Food That Dogs Can Eat

Some "human" foods are good for dogs. Most of these are healthier than the boxed treats you buy in the grocery store. This is just a small list of examples of foods dogs can eat, not a list of every food they should eat. Dogs won't necessarily get all the nutrients they need if they eat these foods exclusively, so check with your veterinarian if you are interested in feeding your dog a home cooked diet. Any food that causes stomach upsets or digestive problems in your dog should be avoided. Like people, some dogs cannot tolerate certain foods.

  • Meats - Meats should be boneless and it's best if the skin is removed. Raw meat is NOT a good idea because of the risk of food poisoning and parasites 
  • Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

  • Boneless Skinless Turkey Breast
  • Fish - DO NOT FEED TUNA! It has a high mercury content. be careful of small bones. (This goes for cats as well)
  • Vegetables - Dogs have shorter digestive tracts than humans and cannot digest most vegetables whole or in large chunks. It's best to put them through a food processor before giving them to your dog. The best veggies for your dog are:
  • Carrots - For healthy dogs. Do not give carrots to dogs who have cancer because they do contain sugar.
  • Grains - Grains should not be given in large amounts or make up a large part of a dogs diet, but these foods are generally safe in small amounts, such as rice.
  • Dairy Products - Use caution with dairy products as they are high in fat and can cause pancreatitis, gas and diarrhea. Usually, nonfat, plain yogurt is safe in small amounts as is cottage cheese in small amounts. 

  • Some are: Green Beans, Lettuce, Yams

Warning! Human Foods That is Dangerous to Dog

Warning! Human Foods That is Dangerous to Dog

Dog's foods are very important part for every breeder, it should be clean, good and not dangerous to eat by your dog. So here's my list for you to know what and why not serve this to your pet.
  • Grapes & Raisins - Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raising can kill a dog.
  • Onions - Onions can destroy red blood cells and cause anemia.
  • Chocolate - Can cause seizures, coma, and death. Baker's chocolate is the most dangerous. A dog can consume milk chocolate and appear to be fine because it is not as concentrated, but it is still dangerous.
  • Coffee, Coffee grounds, Tea, & Tea Bags - Drinks/foods containing caffeine cause many of the same symptoms as chocolate causes.
  • Macadamia Nuts - Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, muscle tremors, and paralysis. Limit all other nuts as they are not good for dogs in general. Their high phosporous content is said to possibly lead to bladder stones. Exception to this rule is PEANUTS and PEANUT BUTTER. However, always use salt/sugar free peanut butter.
  • Peanut Butter - The sugar in peanut butter encourages cancer growth. Always use ORGANIC PEANUT BUTTER as regular peanut butter contains a lot of toxins.
  • Animal Fat & Fried Foods - Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis.
  • Bones - Bones can splinter and damage a dog's internal organs.
  • Tomatoes - Tomatoes can cause tremors and heart arythemias. Tomato plants are the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves are also unsafe.
  • Avacados - The fruit, pit, and plant are all toxic. They can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart.
  • Nutmeg - Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures and death.
  • Apples, Cherries, Peaches and similar fruit - The seeds of these fruit contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs as well as humans. Unlike humans, dogs do not know to stop eating at the core/pit and easily ingest them. It also becomes lodged in the intestines and kills the dog 24 hours with no warning.
  • Raw Eggs - Raw eggs can cause salmenolla poisoning in dogs. Dogs have a shorter digestive tract than humans and are not as likely to suffer from food poisoning, but it's still possible.
  • Salt - Excessive salt intake can cause kidney problems.