Monday, December 2, 2013

Warning! Human Foods That is Dangerous to Dog

Warning! Human Foods That is Dangerous to Dog

Dog's foods are very important part for every breeder, it should be clean, good and not dangerous to eat by your dog. So here's my list for you to know what and why not serve this to your pet.
  • Grapes & Raisins - Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. As little as a single serving of raising can kill a dog.
  • Onions - Onions can destroy red blood cells and cause anemia.
  • Chocolate - Can cause seizures, coma, and death. Baker's chocolate is the most dangerous. A dog can consume milk chocolate and appear to be fine because it is not as concentrated, but it is still dangerous.
  • Coffee, Coffee grounds, Tea, & Tea Bags - Drinks/foods containing caffeine cause many of the same symptoms as chocolate causes.
  • Macadamia Nuts - Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, muscle tremors, and paralysis. Limit all other nuts as they are not good for dogs in general. Their high phosporous content is said to possibly lead to bladder stones. Exception to this rule is PEANUTS and PEANUT BUTTER. However, always use salt/sugar free peanut butter.
  • Peanut Butter - The sugar in peanut butter encourages cancer growth. Always use ORGANIC PEANUT BUTTER as regular peanut butter contains a lot of toxins.
  • Animal Fat & Fried Foods - Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis.
  • Bones - Bones can splinter and damage a dog's internal organs.
  • Tomatoes - Tomatoes can cause tremors and heart arythemias. Tomato plants are the most toxic, but tomatoes themselves are also unsafe.
  • Avacados - The fruit, pit, and plant are all toxic. They can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart.
  • Nutmeg - Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures and death.
  • Apples, Cherries, Peaches and similar fruit - The seeds of these fruit contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs as well as humans. Unlike humans, dogs do not know to stop eating at the core/pit and easily ingest them. It also becomes lodged in the intestines and kills the dog 24 hours with no warning.
  • Raw Eggs - Raw eggs can cause salmenolla poisoning in dogs. Dogs have a shorter digestive tract than humans and are not as likely to suffer from food poisoning, but it's still possible.
  • Salt - Excessive salt intake can cause kidney problems.

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